
Integrantes del DGF presentaron sus investigaciones en AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Integrantes del DGF participan en AGU Fall Meeting 2022

Un total de 12 académicas/os e investigadoras/es del Departamento de Geofísica participaron como autores principales y coautores de 26 artículos de investigación en la conferencia de la Unión Geofísica Americana, AGU Fall Meeting 2022.

En la versión 2022 de la reunión más importante sobre Geofísica en el mundo participaron las y los integrantes del DGF, Juan Pablo Boissier, Diana Comte, Daniel Díaz, Francisco Ortega Culaciati, René Garreaud, Nicolás Huneeus, Andrei Maksymowicz, Ricardo Muñoz, Javier Ojeda, Roberto Rondanelli, Javier Ruiz y Sergio Ruiz.

El detalle de los trabajos presentados y sus autores es el siguiente:

  • “Regional Climate Variability and Change along the Highly Complex Landscape of Chile” (Juan Pablo Boisier, Camila Desiree Alvarez-Garreton, Sergio Gonzalez).
  • “Zonal Atmospheric Rivers impinging the West Coast of Extratropical South America: A silent threat” (Rene Garreaud).
  • “Cooling the coldest continent: The 4 December 2021 Total Solar Eclipse over Antarctica” (Rene Garreaud, Deniz Bozkurt, Carl Spangrude, Graham Moss, Tomás Carrasco Escaff, Roberto F. Rondanelli, Ricardo Muñoz, Xavier Jubier, Matthew A. Lazzara, Linda Keller, Patricio Rojo).
  • “From Science to Application: The AQ-WATCH Project and the AQ-WATCH Toolkit to Address Air Pollution Issues” (Cathy Wing Yi Li, Guy P Brasseur, Claire Granier, Thierno Doumbia, Mikhail Sofiev, Renske Timmermans, Gabriele Pfister, Rajesh Kumar, Sara Basart, Nicolas Huneeus, Dan Mo, Olivier Salvi, Bastien Caillard, Yvonne Boose, Gabriela Adler)
  • “Comparison between the surface air temperature and free atmosphere temperature in the Western Subtropical Andes” (María Angeles Ibañez, Jorge A Gironas, Rene D. Garreaud, Christian Oberli, Cristian Chadwick, Ricardo Muñoz)
  • “Circulation and Precipitation Changes in the Extratropical Southeast Pacific Region: Reducing the Uncertainties in Climate Model Simulations” (Juan Pablo Boisier, David Trejo)
  • “Assessment of summer precipitation events through different convection-permitting WRF simulations in the Central Andes (30-35°S)” (Miguel Lagos-Zúñiga, Deniz Bozkurt, Roberto F. Rondanelli)
  • “Present-day high resolution locking distribution in the 1730 Central Chile seismic gap from GNSS and Sentinel-1 InSAR data” (Marcos Moreno, Juan Carlos Baez, Francisco Ortega-Culaciati, Jorge G. F. Crempien, Valeria Becerra, Joaquín Hormazábal, Sabrina Metzger, Christian Sippl, Jonathan R. Bedford, Jesus Pina-Valdes).
  • “A Bayesian perspective of the 2007 Mw 7.7 Tocopilla, Chile, Earthquake using geodetic data and accounting for epistemic uncertainties” (Natalia Patricia Díaz, Francisco Ortega-Culaciati1, Javier A. Ruiz, Mark Simons, Sarah E Minson).
  • “Seismic Tomography in the Chilean Pampean Flat-Slab Segment: Latitudinal Differences in the Double Seismic Zone and their Relationship with Low Coupling Zones” (Andrea Paz Navarro-Aránguiz, Diana Comte, Maria Pia Rodriguez, Steven W Roecker, Marcelo Farías, Daniela Teresa Calle Gardella, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Andreas Rietbrock).
  • “Long-term ocean bottom seismic array observation at the Chile Triple Junction” (Hajime Shiobara, Aki Ito, Matthew Miller, Hiroko Sugioka, Javier Ojeda, Carlos Tassara, Masanao Shinohara, Masataka Kinoshita, Hikaru Iwamori).
  • “Exploratory Search of Fluid Signature along the North-Central Chile Subduction Margin using Seismo-geodesy” (Javier Ojeda, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, Sergio Ruiz, Emilie Klein, Christophe Vigny).
  • “Very Early Postseismic Deformation of Megathrust Earthquakes Using Kinematic GNSS” (Jianghui Geng, Kai Liu, Yangmao Wen, Francisco Ortega-Culaciati, Diana Comte).
  • “First results of the ANILLO-PRECURSOR network: Monitoring the Atacama seismic gap with a dense multiparametric network” (Juan Carlos Baez, Marcos Moreno, Francisco Ortega-Culaciati, Diego González, Daniel Melnick, Roberto Benavente, Rodolfo Araya, Vicente Javier Yáñez Cuadra, Frederik J. Tilmann, Anne Socquet, Dietrich Lange, Christian Sippl, Jonathan R. Bedford).
  • “Methodology for Similarity Area Searching Using Statistical Distance Measures: Application on Geological Exploration” (Felipe Navarro, Gonzalo Díaz, Marcia Ojeda, Felipe Garrido, Diana Comte, Alejandro Ehrenfeld, Álvaro Francisco Egaña, Gisella Palma).
  • “Shallow-crustal earthquake scenarios for the Santiago City, Chile, evaluated with physics-based numerical modeling and ground motion models” (Cesar Pasten, Fabián Ortiz, Jose Bustos, Sergio Ruiz, Rodrigo Astroza, Gabriel Easton).
  • “Afterslip of the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel Earthquake Imaged Through a Time-Dependent Inversion of Continuous and Survey GNSS Data” (Roxane Tissandier, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, Emilie Klein, Christophe Vigny, Javier Ojeda, Sergio Ruiz).
  • “Methodology for Identifying Humidity Content in Tailings Dams” (Leopoldo Córdova, Diana Comte, Daniel Diaz, Igor Bravo).
  • “Is glacial isostatic adjustment controlling crustal deformation beneath the Southern Patagonian Icefield (48-52ºS)? Insight from the characterization of small magnitude earthquakes” (Jean-Baptiste Ammirati, Francisco Pasten-Araya, Andreas Richter, Sergio Ruiz, María Constanza Flores, Douglas Wiens).
  • “Reanalyzing Existing Seismic Observations to Image the Pampean Flat Slab Region” (Steven W Roecker, Ariane Maharaj, Andrea Paz Navarro-Aránguiz, Agostina Lía Venerdini, Mauro Saez, Diana Comte, Sol Trad).
  • “Multi-scale, finite-frequency body wave tomography of Southern Patagonia” (Walid Ben Mansour, Douglas Wiens, Valerie Maupin, Hannah Mark, Andreas Richter, Sergio Eduardo Barrientos).
  • “Are Volatiles from the Pampean Flat Slab Fracking the Crust? Evidence from an Enhanced Seismicity Catalogue” (Steven W Roecker, Ariane Maharaj, Patricia M. Alvarado, Susan L. Beck, Diana Comte).
  • “Imaging Mineralizing Fluids of Porphyry Cu Deposits Using Local Earthquake Tomography: Northern Chile Case Study” (Diana Comte, Gisella Palma, Jimena Maria Vargas-Otte, Daniela Teresa Calle Gardella, Sergio García, Joelle D'Andres, Steven W Roecker, Sergio Pichott).
  • “Progressive water deficits during multiyear droughts in basins with long hydrological memory” (Camila Desiree Alvarez-Garreton, Juan Pablo Boisier, Rene D Garreaud, Jan Seibert, Marc Vis).
  • “Anatomy and Structural Evolution of the Western Andean Slope in Central Chile (36°S)” (Mauricio Espinoza, Joaquin Cortes-Aranda, Juan Pablo Contreras, Andrei Maksymowicz, Eduardo Vargas, Julie C Fosdick, Megan Mueller, Andres Tassara).
  • “Protecting Environmental Flows to Achieve Long-Term Water Security” (Camila Desiree Alvarez-Garreton, Juan Pablo Boisier, Marco Billi, Inti Lefort, Rodrigo Marinao Rivas, Pilar Barria).

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Graduado del DGF inicia doctorado en Hawaii

El graduado del Magíster en Ciencias, mención Geofísica del Departamento de Geofísica (DGF), Iván Rojas, obtuvo financiamiento de la National Science Foundation, de Estados Unidos, para estudiar la zona de subducción de Alaska-Islas Aleutianas, bajo la tutela de la académica de la Universidad de Hawaii en Manoa (UHM), Honolulu, Helen Janiszewski.