
Investigadoras e investigadores del DGF participaron activamente en AGU 2024

Integrantes del DGF participaron activamente en AGU 2024

Una destacada participación tuvo el Departamento de Geofísica (DGF) de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile en la más reciente versión de la conferencia de la Unión Geofísica Americana (American Geophysical Union), AGU Fall Meeting 2024, realizada en Washington, Estados Unidos.

En el encuentro más importante sobre Geofísica en el mundo participaron las y los investigadores del DGF, Juan Carlos Báez, Diana Comte, Eduardo Contreras Reyes, Daniel Díaz, René Garreaud, Joaquín Hormazábal, Javiera Jaque Reyes, Felipe Leyton, Juan Pablo Merino, Aaron Moya, Ricardo Muñoz, Javier Ojeda, Francisco Ortega Culaciati, Bertrand Potin, Roberto Rondanelli, Javier Ruiz, Sergio Ruiz y Rodrigo Seguel con cuatro ponencias y 16 pósters de investigación sobre temas como ozono troposférico, eventos extremos, intensidad sísmica y observaciones geodésicas.

A ellas y ellos se sumaron las y los graduados del DGF, Daniela Calle Gardella, Andrea Paz Navarro Aránguiz, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Catalina Morales Yáñez, Sebastián Riquelme, Felipe Leyton, Borja Farah y Sergio León Ríos, quien también organizó la sesión de pósters “From the Surface to the Mantle: Integrating Geophysical, Seismological, and Tectonics Perspectives Along the South American Margin”.

El detalle de los trabajos presentados por las y los investigadores del DGF en AGU 2024 es el siguiente:

- “Tropospheric Ozone Precursors: Global and Regional Distributions, Trends, and Variability” (Yasin F. Elshorbany, Jerald R. Ziemke, Sarah A. Strode, Herve Petetin, Kazuyuki Miyazaki, Isabelle De Smedt, Kenneth E. Pickering, Rodrigo J. Seguel, Helen Marie Worden, Tamara Emmerichs, Domenico Taraborrelli, Maria Cazorla, Suvarna S Fadnavis, Rebecca R Buchholz, Benjamin Gaubert, Nestor Yesid Rojas, Thiago Nogueira, Therese Salameh)

- “Potential instability and seasonal Extreme Precipitation projections in the Andes Cordillera through Regional Climate Models (15-35°S)” (Miguel Lagos-Zúñiga, Roberto F. Rondanelli)

- “Rossby Waves as key drivers of High-Frequency Precipitation Variability over South America” (Francisca Aguirre, Massimo A. Bollasina, René Garreaud, Francisco Suárez).

- “Automatic Characterization of GNSS Time Series Offsets Using Machine Learning and Bayesian Evidence” (Joaquín Hormazábal, Francisco H. Ortega Culaciati, Marcos Moreno, Javier A. Ruiz, Julio Utreras Vargas).

- “Petrophysical Estimation of Moisture Values in Tailings Deposits Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography: A Case Study in the San José and El Buitre Deposits of North-Central Chile” (Aaron Moya, Diana Comte, Adrien Dimech, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Leopoldo Córdova, Daniel Díaz, Brian Townley).

- “The past and future of Altiplano wetlands: investigating the water and energy cycles in closed basins under changing conditions using in-situ observations, remote sensing, biophysical indicators, and numerical modeling” (Francisco Suarez, Sarah Leray, Ricardo Muñoz, Camilo del Río, Alberto De La Fuente, Felipe Lobos-Roco, Oscar Hartogensis, Amanda Peña, Borja Farah, Joaquín Aravena, Javiera Boada Campos, Francisca Aguirre, Pedro Bonacic, Cristina Contreras, Jorge Renaud, Catalina Arce).

- “Utilizing Local Earthquake Tomography for 3D Wavespeed Anomaly Detection in Porphyry Copper Exploration: A Northern Chile Case Study” (Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Javiera Jaque-Reyes, Diana Comte, Matías Alberto Peña Gomez, Daniela Teresa Calle Gardella, Sergio León-Ríos, Steven W. Roecker, Sergio Pichott).

- “Preliminary Model of the Tuina Prospect and its Associated Structural Styles, Antofagasta, Chile Using Seismic Tomography” (Javiera Jaque-Reyes, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Diana Comte, Matías Peña, Daniela Teresa Calle Gardella, Steven W. Roecker, Sergio Pichott, Aaron Moya).

- “Crustal Imaging of the Southern Central Andes by Ambient Noise Autocorrelation of Nodal Seismic Data” (Sankha Subhra Mahanti, Eric Kiser, Susan Beck, Steven W. Roecker, Ryan C. Porter, Diana Comte, Sergio León-Ríos, Martín Fernández, Jim Bradford, Sebastian Tauber, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Sol Trad, Andrea Paz Navarro-Aránguiz, Nicolás Aguirre, Mauro Sáez, Lia Orosco, Fernando Albarracín, Gustavo Ortiz, Agostina Lía Venerdini, Audrey Dunham, Ariane Maharaj, Emily E. Rodriguez, Barbara Carrapa, Peter G. DeCelles, Mihai Nicolae Ducea).

- “Source Properties of the 2019, January 20, Mw 6.7, Intraslab Earthquake Occurred Near Coquimbo, Chile” (Francisco H. Ortega Culaciati, Javier A. Ruiz, Diana Comte, Eduardo Contreras Reyes, Joaquín Hormazábal, Aaron Moya).

- “Bayesian transdimensional approach for Characterizing Transients in GNSS time series” (Catalina Morales-Yáñez, Juan Pablo Merino, Roberto Benavente, Sebastián Castro, Francisco H. Ortega Culaciati, Marcos Moreno).

- “Analysis of slow earthquake recurrences and interactions in Chile: Insights from Decadal Geodetic and Seismic Observations” (Juan Carlos Báez, Marcos Moreno, Sergio Ruiz, Felipe Leyton, Emilie Klein, Christophe Vigny, Anne Socquet, Thorsten W. Becker, Bertrand Potin, Joaquín Hormazábal, Francisco H. Ortega Culaciati, Javier Ojeda, Jean Mathieu Nocquet).

- “Contrasting Wavespeed Images of the Northern and Southern Chilean Forearc from Tomographic Analysis of Local Earthquakes Recorded by the Trans ANdean Great Orogeny (TANGO) Experiment” (Sergio León-Ríos, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Gisella Palma, Ignacio Maureira Jofré, Andrea Paz Navarro-Aránguiz, Nicolás Campillay, Daniela Teresa Calle Gardella, Ariane Maharaj, Mauro Saez, Gustavo Ortiz, Martín Fernández, Sol Trad, Mariana Aguiar, Lia Orosco, Sankha Subhra Mahanti, Barbara Carrapa, Peter G. DeCelles, Daniel Evan Portner, Eric Kiser, Ryan C. Porter, Diana Comte, Steven W. Roecker, Susan Beck).

- “Structural styles in the eocene-oligocene world class copper deposits in the western central andes through seismic tomography” (Matías Alberto Peña Gomez, Gisella Palma, Diana Comte, Daniela Teresa Calle Gardella, Javiera Jaque-Reyes, Valentina Reyes-Wagner, Isidora Betancur, Sergio León-Ríos, Steven W. Roecker, Sergio Pichott).

- “Combining Amphibious Seismic Refraction Data with Local Seismicity to Investigate the Structure and Geometry of the Chilean Subduction Zone in the South Atacama Region (25° - 27.8° S)” (Arne Warwel, Dietrich Lange, Anke Dannowski, Eduardo Contreras-Reyes, Ingo Klaucke, Aniko Sara Wirp, Marcos Moreno, Juan Diaz-Naveas, Heidrun Kopp).

- “A Multiscale Sparse Estimation (MUSE) Approach for Quasi-Static Slip Inversion” (Francisco H. Ortega Culaciati, Vanessa Carrillo-Barra, Joaquín Hormazábal, Javier A. Ruiz, Roberto Benavente, Marcos Moreno, Shoichi Yoshioka).

- “Assessment of climate change induced extreme turbidity events in a mountain’s catchment in the western subtropical Andes” (María de los Angeles Ibañez, Jorge A. Gironas, René Garreaud).

- “Deep and shallow slow slip events imaged by GNSS and seismicity in Copiapo ridge, Chile: kinematics and segmentation driven by interactions between fluids and subducted seamounts” (Anne Socquet, Diego Molina, Jannes Münchmeyer, Mathilde Radiguet, Marie-Pierre Doin, David Marsan, Adrien Vezinet, Marcos Moreno, Juan Carlos Báez, Francisco Ortega Culaciati, Andrés Tassara, Nicolás Hernández Soto).

- “AI-driven workflow for high-resolution seismicity analysis along the Taltal segment (22°S - 26°S) of the northern Chile subduction zone” (Sergio León-Ríos, Hans Agurto-Detzel, Caroline Chalumeau, Andreas Rietbrock, Diana Comte).

- “Correlation of Megathrust Earthquakes with Subducting Topography in Central South America” (Matías Carvajal, Eduardo Contreras-Reyes, Kelin Wang, Daniel Stewart, Marco Cisternas, Alejandra Gubler).

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